
Friday, September 03, 2010

Matt Jasper on ARAOP

A review of my book! It's over at Gently Read Literature, a great and thorough review site helmed by Daniel Casey, one of my favorite review sites actually because of its thoughtful and well-pointed reviews and its approach to small presses. Big thanks to Matt Jasper, who obviously put a lot lot lot of thought into Adam Robison, and even did some research about how many hands Brahms had.

Here's an excerpt from the review, which I don't mind admitting pretty much exactly outlines my intentions:
Throughout the mix of poems about philosophers and artists and relatively marginal figures and Robinson’s own family and friends, a trace of Robinson himself emerges, and the poems become almost a memoir of the things half-learned by a fallible, regular but interested dude.

It’s hard to say how good of a book ARAOP is, because there are so many mistakes in it. And maybe that’s what’s fun about the book—the reader is granted more authority than the author.
 Woo-hoo!!! Really. I mean, this review made me remember my book matters.

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