
Friday, June 20, 2008


He must have had a guilty conscience, because Ryan Call paypal-ed me $10 for a copy of SIX OFF 66 that he stole during the first ever Publishing Genius Literary Salon. I'd been overserved and security got light. I took the $10 and turned it into afterpastures, the new book from Caketrain. I bought this book based solely on cover art:

Those of us tried to make it to the Cheryl's Gone reading in DC but it took us 40 minutes to go two miles and it became clear that we would not make it. So we played pool and each one won one game and we talked about art again. We felt bad for not going to the Cheryl's Gone reading in DC, and in the future we will not host anymore baseball games in Baltimore.

The Publishing Genius website, it looks miserable. I need to take from work a week off and vamp over. I need to weave dreams or something flashy. And then: millions of sales. And then I think I will buy a neighborhood and to my friends give homes and businesses. I want to give my friends one business each. We are each of us in turn businessmen. I am a businessman -- I need to go write a press release:

Dave Daniel's book, SIX OFF 66, it's for sale!


daniel trask said...

I'm excited about this merger of Dave Daniel and Adam R. Nothing but awesomeness can come of this.

ryan call said...

buy the book, people.

do not steal it.

i've learned my lesson.


haha overserved.

you were awesome that night.

not that you aren't other nights, i'm just not usually there to see it.

The blog of Adam Robinson and Publishing Genius Press