(I just lifted this method of posting about a review from Justin Sirois.)
Bret McCabe wrote a nice review of Light Boxes in this week's Baltimore City Paper. Among other things, he says, "Light Boxes becomes less a literary puzzle and more a disarmingly moving story. Key to that effect is Jones' audacious sincerity: His story is intimate and his style almost narrative sotto voce."
i had to look up what sotto voce meant.
That hews to what feels like your finite vocabulary.
This is nearly a negative review.
i don't think so.
You guys keep on kicking ass. 1, 2, 3,... and the behemoth project of making a small press famous is down for the count...
not sure i would say "famous."
Haha, AS IF. I still have to send 800 copies to Shane and post my sales plan.
Thanks PH!
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